download free onboarding metrc guide

here is what is included in your packet:


38-Page Onboarding Metrc Guide 

Frequently Asked Compliance Operations Questions - Answered! 

Comprehensive training on regulatory requirements, Metrc workflows, and maintaining compliance with seed to sale tracking. 

Download Today

here is an all-too-common theme 👇🏼


Ask Metrc support how to accomplish a workflow with regulatory requirements ➡️ Metrc support tells you to ask your state agency ➡️ The regulating body then copy/paste the regulations back to you.


Not very helpful, right?

metrc can train you on the technical steps within the cannabis seed to sale tracking platform.

However, Metrc cannot train you to fit your business within your state's cannabis laws and regulatory framework. Your business adapts to Metrc, Metrc does not adapt to you, and there will be gray areas in the regulations, your operations, and Metrc functionality.

Execute step by step instructions on how to implement Metrc efficiently

Identify common red flags with Metrc-integrated technology solutions

Better understand how your business will adapt to Metrc

Sign Up Now: 90-Minute Operational Onboarding Workshop