live cannabis business accelerator


 Learn more about the online live business accelerator for business owners, compliance managers, inventory managers, CPAs, and consultants. 

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launch your cannabis business


Learn more about the in-person "done for you" compregensive package to build, train, and implementĀ a compliance program in your cannabis business.Ā 

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auditing & inspection services

Learn more about on-site facility audits, business records audits, and inventory clean-ups with Metrc, complete with a comprehensive risk assessment.

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cannabis business licensing

Learn more about how to win a cannabis business license and the steps you need to take to become operational in your state. 


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business exit strategy analysis

Learn more about how to sell your business and determine the value of your business assets.  


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 ecosystem partners


we got a lot to show you! 

Rocky Mountain Cannabis Consulting (RMCC) is a women owned-and-led cannabis compliance education company that provides strategic operational consulting to build and scale your business to all operation types in 17 states.


Foundational to advanced training for dispensaries. 


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Foundational to advanced training for growers. 


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Foundational to advanced training for extractors. 


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Foundational to advanced training for transporters. 


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Foundational to advanced training for dispensaries. 



Foundational to advanced training for growers. 



Foundational to advanced training for extractors. 


Foundational to advanced training for transporters. 

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let’s get to it!


RMCC's training will provide you with the knowledge you need for a scalable operational framework and give you the tools you need to implement it.

We'll give you confidence in your staff and the tools necessary to validate their performance. 

Are you currently frustrated and worried wondering if your operation is leaving you vulnerable to fines, license suspension, or even license revocation? Sleep easy at night knowing your operation is safe and successful.

More about RMCC's Launch Package

"Rocky Mountain Cannabis Consulting offers professional support to Cannabis Manufacturers looking to both expand, as well as protect themselves in an ever-changing market. We are so grateful for the work they did with us in Colorado in helping shape and protect our National Brand."


the clear

looking to stay up to date with the ever-changing regulations?


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